College entry essays
Social Justice Essay Topics
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Seafarer and the Wanderer free essay sample
This paper analyzes four basic equals between the two sonnets. This paper analyzes the likenesses between The Seafarer and The Wanderer and finds that the two of them share the ethical that life is vaporous, substantial accentuation is set on Christian standards and the fundamental characters experience physical and mental difficulties. In The Seafarer, the good is contained in the second 50% of the sonnet. In the principal a large portion of, the sailors journey adrift is delineated. It was extremely troublesome, brimming with risk and difficulties. In any case, through the excursion, the sailor discovers that life is brief, the subject of the sonnet. This thought is communicated in lines sixty four through sixty seven, Thus the delights of God are intense with life, where life itself blurs rapidly into the earth. The abundance of the world neither scopes to paradise nor remains. The structure of The Wanderer is like The Seafarer. The artist originally portrayed the drifters voyages, additionally troublesome and loaded up with affliction and incidents. We will compose a custom paper test on Sailor and the Wanderer or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page From his endeavor adrift, the drifter likewise discovers that life is fleeting. In lines eighty through eighty eight the writer passes on this thought, The proudest of warriors currently lie by the divider: some of them war annihilated; to some the old wolf managed out death. Therefore the creator of men devastates this world, pounding our young gaiety and crafted by old goliaths stands wilted and still.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Borders :: essays research papers
Fringes are ideas which envelop and prohibit. They exist all over. Some are strict noticeable physical lines though others go past sight and exist as far as qualities, for example, financial riches, or even humankind. After some time these limits are re-imagined and thus change the progression of day by day life for the people they impact. As a rule it is the ground-breaking governments which are in charge of the pen which layout these representative and physical lines. Anyway as history can demonstrate despite the fact that it is these ground-breaking governments which offer definition to these fringes, it is regularly them (the legislative authorities) who are the ones who cross them. This deceptive trademark is unmitigatedly obvious concerning Central America. Both the decision first class and the United States government has encroached upon the numerous degrees of fringes which exist in this piece of the world. Various outrages have been submitted, a huge number of lives have been broken, innumerable casualties have endured all because of absence of regard for the fringes which exist. The sum total of what levels have been contacted; political, monetary, and even human. No framework is sheltered from being encroached upon or even broke in Central America. While huge numbers of us may point fingers it is without a doubt our own one of a kind United States government which has not regarded the political outskirts present in this piece of the world. We have ventured into an area around there that we should not be being associated with. Under our government’s management, the CIA completed an upset in Guatemala in which it introduced a self-propagation professional American posse of military crooks who have held force for very nearly forty years. Their conceptive component has been murder of a huge number of Guatemalams. After this pointless communication of the CIA, US national security organizers saw "Cuba as an exceptionally inflammable component which unchecked, could spread socialism - presently compatible with revolution" (Landau 30). In light of this President Eisenhower requested the CIA to rehash its ‘success’ in Guatemala. "Throughout the mainland, US police and military consultants worked with torturers, killers and Fascists to quell upheaval, however all types of democracy" (Landau 31). Our administration authorities have such extraordinary feelings of trepidation of the uprising of the poor in these countries that it couldn't have cared less strange it was to get included. Their financial speculations and exchange guided our remote relations. They would enter and cross the fringes of this apparently guiltless third world area of the landmass and intercede paying little mind to the way that they didn't have a place there as in it isn't thier nation and ought not be included.
Wednesday, July 29, 2020
Becoming Who We Need to Be
Becoming Who We Need to Be We all find meaning in different things. As such, discussing meaning in any productive way can be a cumbersome undertaking. That said, there are two main types of meaning that I want to address. The first is significance meaning. That is, imbuing moments or events with implicit substance so that, to us at least, there is more to them than meets the eye. A chance glance from a stranger on the subway, or the sequence of lucky numbers in our fortune cookie being the same as our high school locker combination can both seem loaded with meaning. These are not coincidences, we think. What are the chances of something like that happening, after all? They are significant in some way, and it makes sense, from that perspective, to want to figure out how. Most people, it should be noted, are terrible at offhandedly understanding, or even estimating, probability. You’d be a killjoy to deflate a friend who’s erupting with enthusiasm over the perceived significance of receiving his old locker combination as a set of lucky numbers in a fortune cookie, but you’d be right in recognizing that although the chance of something like that happening is small, it’s not beyond the realm of possibility. Unlikely things happen all the time. If something has a one in one-billion chance of happening, well, do you know how many things are happening at all times, to all of the over seven-billion people who live on the planet today? Our perception of how likely these events might be remains unchanged, because we see the world through the lens of a single individual. But if you do the math on that scale, it quickly becomes clear that the unlikely is actually not all that unlikely. We also tend to notice and remember things we perceive to be unlikely more than things we don’t perceive to be in any way unusual, even if those ignored things are, in fact, the less likely, more impressive, and more interesting happenstances. This tendency to pay more attention to the seemingly unlikely events that happen to and around us is called “selective attention.†Our brains have a bias toward patterns, and ignore so-called uninteresting dataâ€"things we are not primed to perceive as significant to usâ€"and to put increased emphasis on the opposite, storing seemingly meaningful happenings more firmly in our memory. As a result, we’re more likely to recall the times when the tarot card reader was right, and to completely forget or disregard the times when she was wrong. The significance of that card reader’s words, then, elevate in our mind, while the significance of information we might read about the practice of tarot card reading having no basis in reality and no scientific credibility, decreases. This is part of why, too, we tend to underestimate just how likely seemingly unlikely events might be. Our brains latch on to the amazingness of this chance reappearance of old, familiar numbers, while dismissing other bits of dataâ€"it wasn’t on your fortune cookie, but on your friend’s, two of the numbers were rearranged, you’ve been going to that same Chinese food place for five years, and never before received a familiar set of numbers inside your cookieâ€"which in turn results in our finding meaning in what is almost certainly meaningless. The part-time worker or machine algorithm that jots those numbers down on the fortune cookie papers most likely is not a wizard, and it’s far more likely that the familiarity and feeling of significance is merely the consequence of our brains wigging out over the perceived connection, due to its pattern-finding predilections. Because that’s what it does. Why are our brains so primed for patterns? As with so many things brain-related, we can’t say with absolute certainty, but there is a good argument to be made that this pattern-seeking habit is what allows us to think, interact, and build tools. A creature who is able to piece together a sequence of events can infer causalityâ€"that other beast over there drank from the water, and now it’s dead, so perhaps I shouldn’t drink that waterâ€"and benefit from that perception. A creature who can recognize cause and effect while extrapolating further, imagining how things might be changed, can manipulate the world around them. That is, they wouldn’t just avoid the water that seems to be killing other animals, they might be able to figure out new ways to get water, by folding large leaves to collect dew and rainwater. The idea to use leaves as collection tools, by the way, would also be the result of observation and pattern detection: watching the rain drip down the leaves, and the dew accumulate on the leaves each morning, would lead to the conclusion that these green things are related to this free-flowing water somehow, and could perhaps be manipulated to sate our thirst. The Baader-Meinhof Phenomenon, also called the “frequency illusion,†is relevant to this discussion. This is a phenomenon that you’ve almost certainly experienced at some point in your life: you buy a new car, let’s say a Saturn coupe, and then suddenly, from the next day onward, you see Saturn coupes absolutely everywhere. It’s as if the entire world is copying you. There can’t have been this many Saturn coupes on the road before you bought yours; you’ve never seen so many of them out in the world before. How strange and coincidental. Of course, this is neither strange nor coincidental. It’s the consequence of your brain earmarking a new bit of information as important. This brand and type of car is something that you’ve been thinking about and now own. It’s important to be able to pick out your own car from all the cars in a parking lot, but it’s also a shape that you now recognize, a logo that you’ve come to know, and a collection of design elements that you now see more clearly in a crowd of other, less-vital-seeming car-mounted design elements. These other Saturn coupes were always there in your environment, but now that they seem important to your brain, you’ll notice them more frequently, and remember noticing them, because that perceived significance is amplified, collected as relevant data. The fortune cookie, the sudden appearance of cars like your ownâ€"neither are mystical or magical. The word “synchronicity†was coined by Carl Jung to describe such things, and to justify the paranormal nature they certainly had, when in reality he merely lacked the clarity afforded by modern brain and social sciences. That said, something not being inherently magical doesn’t mean it isn’t important. It doesn’t mean such things can’t be vital as mental milestones or as valuable intellectual footnotes. Finding significance in things that are not significant is what causes a lot of us to have harmful beliefs that hold us back in many ways, but it’s also kind of a superpower that provides us with ambitions. It can bring out the best in us. Or rather, it can help us bring out the best in ourselves. This is the second type of meaning I mentioned. The first is significance we imbue in an event or object that makes that thing or happenstance seem more important than it is. The second is the type of meaning we pursue throughout our lives. The sort of meaning that, in a lot of cases, provides us with the intellectual and emotional will to make it through tough times and to work hard toward something big, something larger than ourselves. In some cases, this meaning takes the shape of religion, or of a particular brand of governance, or of one’s own family and their well-being. Sometimes it’s the wholehearted pursuit of knowing the unknown, or taking down the wicked, or teaching things you believe should be more widely known. There are as many meaningful pursuits as there are people, and although we have no reason to believe that any such meaning is divine or magical, that doesn’t diminish the potential benefits of finding meaning, perhaps even multiple sources of it, throughout our lives. People who feel that they have purpose tend to live longer. People who have convictions, who believe something to be not just true, but important, have a greater capacity to endure discomfort, pain, and antipathy from those who believe differently. People who ascribe some type of meaning to the work they do or the goals they’re pursuing are more likely to see the journey as the point of the exercise, rather than seeing life as a necessary period of suffering on the way to a goal they hope to reach someday. The journey itself is meaningful. The goal is important, but the act of working toward it, even when painful or disheartening, is meaningful by association. When we talk about “finding meaning†in our lives, this is the type of meaning we’re usually discussing. Very seldom does someone hope to find meaning in the sense of recognizing more cars like the one she just bought on the road, or finding familiarity in the lucky numbers contained within the folds of a fortune cookie. But these types of meaning are inextricably connected. The pattern-seeking tendencies of our brains are what make connections and assume relationships between things, and it’s those same neurons, those same interconnections between memory and higher-reasoning and animal instinct and whatever it is that makes us feel conscious that allow us to feel a sense of not just existence, but purpose. They allow us to see the act of feeding the hungry as not just one more action among all the actions we perform every day, but something significant. If we feed this person, they will feel something, and hopefully something better than they feel now. Some of the fear and desperation will disappear, and they may have more capacity for joy. Beyond that, they’ll go on to live their own lives, full of the same tribulations we all face, but also packed with moments of happiness resulting from goals accomplished, the joy of relationships, and the thrill of new discoveries. And by helping give this person something to eat, we’ve played some small role in that. We have in some small way served as a catalyst for all that emotion, all those feelings, all that experience, all that life. Without the sometimes overenthusiastic pattern-recognition tendencies of our brains, we would be unable to make these connections, and feeding a stranger would be just one more act, with no more significance than brushing our teeth or driving to work or feeding ourselves an unremarkable lunch. The cause and effect assumption would be lost, and our ability to dig deeper and subconsciously guess at what this action of ours might mean, not just for us, but for others, perhaps many others, would not exist. The world, lacking this meaning that we generate, would be a much flatter, more pragmatic place, I think. That’s assuming we were able to build such a world to begin with, which is anything but certain. I’m guessing that much of the human desire to explore would be lost, due to the lack of imagination about what we might find over the next horizon. As a result, we’d probably never have evolved and spread out the way we did, and would not have had the same biological inclination toward tool usage and brain development. I also have trouble imagining what would drive us to do anything beyond the bare basics under such circumstances. It seems unlikely that we’d feel incentivized to achieve anything more than the essentials that would allow us to survive another day. We’d have little reason to believe investment in infrastructure or assets would pay off, and we’d have little reason to make small sacrifices for the greater good of the family, tribe, society, or species. We wouldn’t be able to perceive any significance in those actions, and as such, the frantic, genetic-level drive toward self-preservation would be the only thing keeping us going. There are many causes out there that are misguided and faulty and based on false-premises. I think we’re sometimes too dependent on gut-instincts when we should think analytically, and put too much faith in incomplete mental models when we should trust our gut. We adhere to ideologies dogmatically, assuming that the meaning found within them is the only possible meaning and the only possible source of valid morality. We misunderstand coincidences, seeing them either as messages from the sky or remarkable impossibilities, ignoring the truly remarkable things that happen around us all day, every day. Among the remarkable things we often misunderstand or ignore is the incredible persistence of a species that has the capacity to both extrapolate and care. The pursuit of meaning, of significance, is a valid one. It’s valuable and, wherever we find it, it tends to be more asset than liability. But it’s also worth being conscious of where this feeling comes from. We are the ones who imbue things with significance. We don’t discover significant things, we discover things and make them significant. Recognizing and remembering this allows us to better understand and interact with people who find meaning in different places than we do. It also allows us to find meaning in many and varied things. This is an excerpt from Colin Wrights new audiobook, Becoming Who We Need to Be, which is also available in print and ebook formats.
Friday, May 22, 2020
Weighing the Aggravating and Mitigating Factors
When deciding the sentencing for a defendant who has been found guilty, jurors and the judge in most states are asked to weigh the aggravating and mitigating circumstances of the case. The weighing of aggravating and mitigating factors is most often used in connection with the penalty phase of capital murder cases, when the jury is deciding the life or death of the defendant, but the same principle applies to many different cases, such as driving under the influence cases. Aggravating Factors Aggravating factors are any relevant circumstances, supported by the evidence presented during the trial, that makes the harshest penalty appropriate, in the judgment of the jurors or judge. Mitigating Factors Mitigating factors are any evidence presented regarding the defendants character or the circumstances of the crime, which would cause a juror or judge to vote for a lesser sentence. The Weighing of Aggravating and Mitigating Factors Each state has its own laws regarding how jurors are instructed to weigh aggravating and mitigating circumstances. In California, for example, these are the aggravating and mitigating factors a jury can consider: The circumstances of the crime and the existence of special circumstances. Example: A jury might consider the special circumstances of a defendant that was charged with driving while intoxicated on the day that he received divorce papers and was fired from a company where he had been employed for 25 years and he had no previous criminal record. The presence or absence of violent criminal activity by the defendant. Example: The defendant broke into a home and the family inside the home woke up. The teenager in the family attacked the defendant, and instead of attacking back the defendant calmed the teen down and led him to his parents for reassurance, and then he left their home. The presence or absence of any prior felony convictions. Example: A defendant found guilty of shoplifting an expensive television might be given a lesser sentence if he had no criminal record. Whether the crime was committed while the defendant was under the influence of extreme mental or emotional disorder. Example: A woman was found guilty of assault after attacking a stranger, however, it was discovered that she was on new medication for depression which had a possible side effect of patients exhibiting unexplained and unprovoked violent behavior. Whether the victim was a participant in the defendants homicidal conduct or consented to the killing. Example: The victim hired the defendant to blow up his house for the insurance premiums, but he failed to leave the house at the time the two agreed on. When the bomb exploded the victim was inside the house, resulting in his death. Whether the crime was committed under circumstances which the defendant reasonably believed to be a moral justification or extenuation for his conduct. Example: A defendant guilty of stealing a specific drug from a drugstore, but could prove that he did it because he needed it to save his childs life and could not afford to buy the medicine. Whether the defendant acted under extreme duress or under the substantial domination of another person. Example: A woman found guilty of child abuse suffered years of extreme abuse from her dominating husband and did not immediately report him for abusing their child. Whether at the time of the crime the capacity of the defendant to appreciate the criminality of his conduct or to conform his conduct to the requirements of the law was impaired as a result of mental disease or defect, or the affects of intoxication. Example: It would likely be a mitigating factor if the defendant suffered from dementia. The age of the defendant at the time of the crime. Example: A woman found guilty of severely injuring people when, in the 1970s as an act of political protest, she (who was 16 years old at the time) and others set off a bomb in an office building that they believed was empty. She was never caught but turned herself in for the crime in 2015. For the past 40 years, she was law abiding, had married and was the mother of three children, and was active in her community and in her church. Whether the defendant was an accomplice to the crime and their participation was relatively minor. Example: A defendant was found guilty of being an accomplice in a breaking and entering case after it was learned that he mentioned to the co-defendants that the people who owned the home were away on vacation. He did not participate in actually breaking into the home. Any other circumstance which extenuates the gravity of the crime even though it is not a legal excuse for the crime. Example: A male teen, 16 years old, shot and killed his abusive step-father after finding him in the act of sexually molesting his 9-year-old sister. Not All Circumstances are Mitigating A good defense attorney will use all relevant facts, no matter how minor, that could help the defendant during the sentencing phase of the trial. It is up to a jury or judge to decide which facts to consider before deciding on the sentence. However, there are some circumstances that do not warrant consideration. For example, one jury might reject a lawyer presenting the mitigating factor that a college student found guilty of multiple charges of date rape would not be able to finish college if he went to prison. Or, for example, that a man found guilty of murder would have a hard time in prison because of his small size. Those are circumstances, but ones that the defendants should have considered before committing the crimes. Unanimous Decision In death penalty cases, each juror individually and/or the judge must weigh the circumstances and decide whether the defendant is sentenced to death or life in prison. In order to sentence a defendant to death, a jury must return a unanimous decision. The jury does not have to return a unanimous decision to recommend life in prison. If any one juror votes against the death penalty, the jury must return a recommendation for the lesser sentence.
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Heres What I Know About Essay Topics Write
Here's What I Know About Essay Topics Write The Argument About Essay Topics Write Most of us have written an essay. The most effective argumentative essay writing service on the world wide web is a business that supplies good quality and inexpensive help on argumentative essay and argumentative essay topics. Typically, all you have to do is to state the topic and you'll obtain an entire essay sample to keep on working all on your own. There are several interesting and challenging Shakespeare essay topics to pick from. Key Pieces of Essay Topics Write Writing argumentative essay is an intricate undertaking, as it requires the presence of many skills at the exact time. Writing an outline isn't obligatory. Choosing excellent essay topics for middle school needs to be a careful procedure, where a balance must be struck between topics that might be too simplistic, more fit for the main school, and choosing argumentative essay topics that can be too complicated or controversial . Writing argument essay may be an art in the sense so that it requires thorough understanding of the subject, together with skill. There's well-known that you won't have the ability to write an excellent insightful research paper if you're not interested in the subject overall and in this issue specifically. Presenting of the opposition arguments would help to convince the readers that you've got a versatile comprehension of the subject and that you're not below the effects of any bias. In truth, it is the topic that often assigned with regard to family and consumer science studies. There's no topic too challenging for our experts. You must be certain to understand everything clearly once you opt for an essay topic. Argumentative essay topics cover a wide number of subjects, and can be quite persuasive if a high quality essay represents them. Occasionally, selecting a perfect argumentative essay topics will be quite tough. ARandom topic generatoris intended to help you l ocate the most fascinating and appropriate topic for your essay. Persuasive essay is one of the most tough kinds of essays, yet is it one of the most favorite professor's assignments. Informative essays are somewhat more descriptive. Argumentative essay is believed to be one of the most difficult assignments to finish. Persuasive or argumentative essays are intended to convince the audience of a person's viewpoint about a specific topic. You need to write a minumum of one research paper in a semester for most of the subjects. If it comes to write engineering essay for those students that are studying in electrical engineering school becomes confused since they are engineers and not the writers. Remember your final grade significantly is based on the topic. For instance, you can opt for a topic for elementary, middle, or higher school. If you would like to learn to compose an informative essay, it's important to talk about the entire process step-by-step to allow it to be clear. Titling an essay is not ever an easy thing. The essay itse lf needs to be written in a concise method. Writing a definition essay demands a little time and dedication, but there isn't anything impossible. Using Essay Topics Write Recent events are frequently the topic of argumentative topics for college students. The topic also needs to be the one which provides the students sufficient to write on. Attempt to consider what age is excellent for students to date with one another. The Battle Over Essay Topics Write and How to Win It There are instances when you're assigned with the topic but more frequently, you'll need to create a topic on your own. It is possible to select a topic that apparently appears unique and fascinating, but when it has to do with finding relevant info on it there is none. When you choose a topic, you must react to the query and substantiate your response with three or more motivations as to why you think like that. First thing you ought to do is to think about a few extensive topic you want to write about. What's Really Happening with Essay Topics Write The primary goal of topic choice for a proposal essay is to demonstrate the idea can be put into place in practice. You may also pick any latest research work that's a little controversial to allure the readers to compose argumentative essay. If you're not so acquainted with the subject of the assigned essay it's going to be even harder to think of valuable thoughts and thought provoking concepts. If you enjoy the subject of your research, the procedure for writing will go significantly simpler. There are a number of thumb rules for argumentative essay subjects to prevent clashes, yet earning a point at exactly the same moment. Before you commence writing your essay, there's a need to find the sensation of connection to the subject, the attraction to it and a deep interest. Certainly, the most crucial thing in regard to the entire paper is its content. Bear in mind the fashion of the question you're answering and don't begin introducing new topics simply to pad out your answer. No paper written for a different client is used for a different customer. Both essay questions have various formats and focuses, so make sure that you understand what the questions are asking you to do before you commence writing. When you publish content on a normal basis it's simple to burn through your primary collection of blog titles in a couple of months. Many absolutely free examples of various academic papers on distinct topics are available on the internet, and we suggest to get a look at one of the many top samples. In case you've been requested to compose a persuasive essay, there's every possibility that you're able to learn so much from the experience and actually get to use a few of that knowledge to compose an extremely very good paper. Some have limited time to read and compose a paper while some simply have the issue of managing well their time and meeting their specified deadlines. The student may give the specifics of the topics to the firm. Most students think that it is the lack of desire to complete assignments that results in the using of writing services. Even today exists a group of men and women who believe that essay writing is the simplest portion of any educational program and that which you have to do there, is to just go on writing whatever and wherever you really feel like writing whatever comes in your mind. An essay generator is an alternative for those students that have problems to locate something to chat about on their essays, they don't have the creativity neither the patient to select a topic type instead of even a subject location. The option of compare and contrast essay topics isn't a simple task because you must demonstrate your analytical skills.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Six Sigma Question Paper Free Essays
MGT 561 – Operations Management Exam B Student Name: ____________________________Date: _________ Operations and Productivity (each question is worth 1 point) 1) Manufacturing and service organizations differ chiefly because manufacturing is goods-oriented and service is act-oriented. TrueFalse 2) Operations, marketing, and finance need to function independently of each other in most organizations if they are to be truly effective as an organization. TrueFalse 3) â€Å"How much inventory of this item should we have? †is within the critical decision area of quality management? TrueFalse 4) Customer interaction is often high for manufacturing processes, but low for services. We will write a custom essay sample on Six Sigma Question Paper or any similar topic only for you Order Now TrueFalse 5) Productivity is the total value of outputs produced divided by the total value of all inputs to the transformation process. TrueFalse The operations function includes which of the following activities. a) forecasting b) capacity planning c) scheduling d) managing inventories e) all of the above Manufacturing-related jobs are decreasing in America for which of the following reasons. a) global competition b) technology advances ) because manufacturing workers in California earn $25K/yr less than service workers d) a and b e) b and c Which of the following is not a typical service attribute? a) easy to store b) intangible product c) customer interaction is high d) simultaneous production and consumption e) difficult to resell Operations Strategy in a Global Environment (each question is worth 1 point) One reason to globalize is to learn to improve operations. TrueFalse 10) Decisions that involve what is to be made and what is to be purchased fall under the heading of suppl y chain management. TrueFalse The use of a SWOT analysis is only applicable to manufacturing organizations? TrueFalse The product life cycle phases include introduction, growth, maturity, and decline. TrueFalse Which of the following is true about business strategies? a) an organization should maintain its strategy for the life of the business b) all firms within an industry will adopt the same strategy c) well defined missions make strategy development much easier d) strategies are formulated independently of SWOT analysis e) organizational strategies depend on operations strategies The ability of an organization to produce services that, by utilizing the consumer’s five senses, have some uniqueness in their characteristics is a) mass production b) time-based competition c) differentiation d) flexible response e) experience differentiation Which of the following is the best example of competing on low-cost leadership? a) a firm produces its product with less raw material waste than its competitors b) a firm offers more reliable products than its competitors c) a firm’s products are introduced into the market faster than its competitors d) a firm advertises less than its competitors Which of these is not one of the characteristics of high return on investment organizations? a) high product quality b) high capacity utilization c) low investment intensity d) low direct cost per unit e) global location Design of Goods and Services (each question is worth 1 point) Studies confirm that firms considered to be industry leaders typically generate 15-20 percent of their overall sales from new products released over the last 5 years. True False 18) QFD stands for quality for development. True False Value analysis focuses on design improvement during production. True False 20) The analysis tool that helps determine what products to develop, and by what strategy, by listing products in descending order of their individual dollar contribution to the firm is a) decision tree analysis b) pareto analysis c) breakeven analysis d) product-by-value analysis e) product life cycle analysis 21) Quality function deployment a) determines what will satisfy the customer b) translates customer desires into the target design c) is used early in the design process d) is used to determine where to deploy quality efforts e) all of the above 2) Which of the following is true concerning CAD? a) accurate information flows to other departments b) most product costs are determined at the design stage c) design options are easier to review before final commitments are made d) virtually all products have their development cycle shortened e) all of the above are true The dimensions, tolerances, materials, and finishes of a component are typically shown on a (an) a) eng ineering drawing b) bill of material c) statement of work d) work order e) none of the above Managing Quality (each question is worth 1 point) 4) An international quality standard developed to establish commonly accepted procedures to manage product quality is ISO 9000. True False 25) Statistical process control, one of the tools of total quality management, uses statistics and control charts to evaluate processes. True False 26) The concept of selecting best practices to use as a standard for performance is referred to as a quality circle. True False 27) Generally speaking, the cost of quality represents the cost of doing things wrong, that is, the price of nonconformance. True False 8) Which of the following is not one of the major categories of costs associated with quality? a) prevention costs b) appraisal costs c) internal failures d) external failures e) none of the above, they are all major categories of costs 29) A successful total quality management (TQM) program incorporat es all of the following except: a) continuous improvement b) employee involvement c) benchmarking d) centralized decision-making authority e) none of the above 30) The â€Å"four M’s†of cause-and-effect diagrams are a) material/machinery/manpower/methods b) material/methods/men/mental attitude ) material/management/manpower/motivation d) none of the above Supply Chain Management (each question is worth 1 point) 31) The objective of the make-or-buy decision is to help identify the products and services that should be purchased externally or made internally. TrueFalse Because service firms do not acquire goods and services externally, their supply chain management issues are insignificant. TrueFalse Blanket orders are a long-term purchase commitment to a supplier for items that are to be delivered against short-term releases to ship. TrueFalse 34) One of the keys to effective supply chain management includes developing â€Å"long-term partnerships†with key suppliers. TrueFalse 35) Standardization is the process of increasing the number of variations in materials and components to assist in supply chain’s efforts to enlarge their supplier base. TrueFalse In supply chain management, ethical issues a) are particularly important because of the enormous opportunities for abuse b) may be guided by company rules and codes of conduct ) become more complex with the increasing trend toward global suppliers d) may be guided by the standards of the Institute for Supply Management e) all of the above are true An approach that seeks efficiency of operations through the integration of all material acquisitions, movement, and storage activities is a) integration b) logistics management c) line balancing d) product design e) none of the above Inventory Management (each question is worth 1 point) 38) One function of inventory is take advantage of quantity discounts TrueFalse 9) ABC analysis is based on the presumption that carefully controlling all items is necessary to produce important inventory savings. TrueFalse 40) In cycle counting, the frequency of item counting and stock verification usually varies from item to item depending upon the item’s ABC classification. TrueFalse 41) Insurance and taxes on inventory are part of the costs known as setup or ordering costs. TrueFalse 42) Most inventory models attempt to minimize a) total inventory based costs b) the number of orders placed c) the safety stock ) the likelihood of a stockout e) the number of items ordered 43) The major purpose of safety stock is to a) replace failed units with good ones b) eliminate the possibility of a stockout c) eliminate the likelihood of a stockout due to erroneous inventory tally d) control the likelihood of a stockout due to the variability of demand during lead time e) protect the firm from a sudden d ecrease in demand 44) The following are inventory models for independent demand a) basic economic order quantity (EOQ) b) production order quantity c) quantity discount model ) a and b only e) a, b, and c JIT and Lean Production Systems (each question is worth 1 point) 45) In a JIT system, product inspection adds value by identifying defective items. True False 46) Because most services cannot be inventoried, there is little place for JIT to help service organizations achieve competitive advantage. True False Kanban is the Japanese word for card that has come to mean â€Å"signal†in JIT terminology. TrueFalse Setup time reductions are not a key aspect of an effective lean production system. True False 9) If the goals of JIT partnerships are met, which of the following is a result? a) for incoming goods, receiving activity and inspection are outsourced b) in-transit inventory falls as suppliers are located closer to facilities c) the number of suppliers increases d) in-plant inventory replaces in-transit inventory e) all of the above are consequences of meeting the JIT partnership goals 50) Which of the following is not a layout tactic in a JIT environment? a) work cells for families of products b) fixed equipment c) minimizing distance d) little space for inventory e) poka-yoke devices How to cite Six Sigma Question Paper, Papers
Tuesday, April 28, 2020
Is Anybody Listening, I Mean Really Listening Essays -
Is Anybody Listening, I Mean Really Listening? Is Anybody Listening, I Mean Really Listening? I like to listen. I have learned a great deal from listening carefully. Most people never listen. Ernest Hemingway. Often when a misunderstanding occurs, it is attributed to a lack of communication, which most of the time implies that whoever was delivering the message did not do an effective job. But what about the other side, the listener? Listening is important. It is the communication skill most often used in human interaction. Between 45 and 55 percent of people's communication time will be spent in listening to others (Curtis, Floyd and Winsor, p. 56). As our textbooks tell us, listening is not a skill that most people perform well. It is difficult to define listening. We could say that it is a receiver orientation to the communication process, since communication involves both a source and a receiver, listening consists of roles receivers play in the communication process. Listening is a process that includes attending, perceiving, interpreting, assessing, and responding (Barker and Gaut, p. 47). Our own listening habits have been developed since we were born. Such habits are so well established that we perform them without thinking. Unfortunately, such habits are usually undesirable and lead to poor listening. There are a number of reasons for ineffective listening. They do not apply equally to all listeners and the degree to which they do apply will vary from different situation, speaker, and topic. But, I think, they represent common and important reasons for ineffective listening. Rehearsing - your whole attention is designing and preparing what to say next. You look interested, but your mind is miles away because you are thinking about the next comment. Judging - negatively labeling people can be lead to trouble. Everyone has biases, but it leads to ineffective listening. Let's say you hear a speaker discuss an idea that you do not like, you might stop paying attention to that speaker, you might distort the message, in which case you would fail to understand the message because of prejudgment. This could cause your evaluation of the speaker or the message to be unfair or in error. A good rule of effective listening is that judgements should only be made after you have heard and evaluated the content of the message. Identifying - you take everything people tell you and refer it back to your own experience. They may want to tell you about a car's braking system, but that reminds you of your car accident. You launch into your story before they finish theirs. Talking rather than listening - we love to hear our own voice and feel that our comments and ideas are always right. We picture ourselves as the great problem solver. We are so good that we only have to hear a few sentences and we begin searching for the right advice. The problem is that while we are coming up with suggestions, we may have missed what is most important. Have you ever been in a situation where a person argues and debates with the other people in the group, making the other people feel as if they are not being heard, because that one person is so quick to disagree? It seems as though that person's main focus is on finding things to disagree with. Filtering - we usually filter out messages and listen only to those topics and materials that we want to hear. We will stop paying attention to those topics that we do not want to hear, such as messages that criticize us. Then we cannot be corrected, and we cannot take suggestions to change. Placation - we have been taught to be nice, pleasant and supportive to others, we seldom criticize others especially when others are telling us things that we want to hear. Sometimes too quick an acceptance of these messages that tell us what we like and want to hear can lead to serious problems. We may half-listen just enough to get the drift, but not really involved. We should be careful to pay attention, to comprehend, and then to analyze and evaluate what the speaker is saying. Distraction - a distraction is anything that pulls your
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